Partner Visa Australia

9 Tips for Lodging a Successful Partner Visa Australia!

While applying for a partner visa in Australia, there are few questions like, How can a Partner visa application be made successful? My relationship is real and ongoing, how do I convince an Immigration officer of that? How many documents do I need? What evidence is more reliable than others?

It is not possible to apply for a partner visa with a one-size-fits-all solution to relationships of all shapes and sizes. In arranged marriages, long-distance relationships, de facto relationships, or long-term marriages, the approach to demonstrating a genuine relationship as well as meeting the partner criteria for granting the visa may differ. However, we have found the Top 9 tips for lodging a successful partner visa in Australia.

Must Read: Partner Visa Australia Requirements

Top 9 tips for lodging a successful partner visa in Australia: 

1. Choosing the right kind of visa

  • Offshore spouse or partner visa

The visa is for couples or visa applicants outside of Australia. You can enter and live in Australia once you have been granted a visa. The couple must agree to wait offshore until the visa is granted if they are in a de facto relationship or married.

  • Spouse or partner visa for onshore work

Applicants must already be located in Australia in order to apply for this visa. This type of application has the benefit that in many cases, the visa applicant can remain in Australia while waiting for the partner’s application to be processed. Applying onshore is certainly a more favourable option given the long processing time, currently up to 21 months.

2. Temporary or permanent partner visa

These two cases involve the same application for a temporary partner visa and a permanent partner visa. Firstly, you will be given a temporary visa if you cannot prove that the two of you have children together or were in some arrangement that lasted longer than three years. If you are initially granted a temporary visa, you will have two years from the application date to apply for permanent residence.

3. Be sure that you meet all requirements for a visa

Basically, be sure that your relationship meets the “partner criteria” before applying. For instance, if you are not married but wish to apply for a marriage visa in Australia, then you have to prove that you have been in a genuine relationship for at least a time period of 12 months.

4. Gather required documents: 

The supporting documentation you attach should demonstrate the length of your relationship and prove it is real. It is not sufficient to provide evidence of your shared finances and social media posts, your living arrangements, or your level of commitment to one another, as the case officer will be looking for proof that you meet each partner’s criteria.

Even if you are married or cohabiting, you could still be denied a partner visa if you cannot provide proof of each partner’s requirement.

5. Get statements from friends and family

These testimonials from your loved ones are also crucial while applying for a partner visa in Australia. These should be provided by individuals who have known you for two years or longer and can vouch for the sincerity of your relationship. These declarations show your family and friends that you are regarded as a committed pair.

6. Reply as quickly as you can

The Department might write to you while it processes your visa application to ask for more supporting documentation. So, make sure the Department has the most recent version of your contact information. If you get one of these requests, make sure to reply in the allotted time, which is usually 28 days. Your application may only be accepted if you respond.

7. Provide honest and accurate information

It is crucial that before submitting your partner visa Australia application, you double-check that every detail on the form is accurate. One helpful way to proofread the application form and make sure it is error-free is to print it before submitting it.

8. Interaction with DoHA

Occasionally, the Department might also ask the applicants for partner visas to come in for an interview. The case officer may ask the witnesses you named on your application to corroborate your claims. In addition to refusing the grant, DoHA will prevent you from reapplying for a couple visa to Australia if it discovers that some false information was reported.

9. Seek help 

It would be beneficial to ask for the help of the best migration agent in Perth to perform an eligibility assessment, examine your supporting documents, and handle the entire visa application process. If you are unsure about your application, their help can prove beneficial.

Read: A Guide To Migrating To Australia!


Applicants will have different requirements, and documentary evidence to provide to demonstrate their relationship is genuine and meets the partner criteria for granting a visa. An experienced Registered Migration Agent can manage the entire visa application process if you are not confident that your application will be straightforward. They assist you through the entire process, right from application assessment to understanding your unique circumstances. A strategy will be developed for you and your partner based on your specific needs for applying from within or outside Australia.