One can do anything for his or her family. Some people may have to go abroad to earn better or they might not be having good working opportunities in their own country. They work and live in another country, sometimes leaving their life partner behind. But what if you could live with your partner? This prospect sounds very good and is made possible by the government. The Department of Immigration of Australia offers partner visa option so that you can live with your partner and leave behind the days of loneliness.
What is Partner Visa?
Partner visa is the type of visa given by The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) of Australia to the partner of an individual who is living in Australia. The person who files the application of visa for his or her partner must be a resident of Australia. The partner visa is given under two subclasses – the visa 820 and the visa 801. The visa 820 permits the person to have a temporary stay in Australia, while the visa 801 allows one to stay permanently.
There are some conditions that you must fulfill if you are applying for the partner visa. These conditions are set by the DIBP. The conditions are as follows:
1. You must be married or in a de facto (existing) relationship with:
• A citizen of Australia
• A permanent resident of Australia
• A valid resident of New Zealand
2. Your marriage must be valid under Australian Law or if you are in a de facto relationship, the period of your relationship must be at least 12 months.
3. Meet the necessary health and character requirements as set by the Immigration Department.
The visa grant is a two-stage process. First of all, you are granted the visa 820 i.e. the temporary visa. After two years of application of temporary visa, you are granted the visa 801 i.e. the permanent visa. If you are in a long-term relationship, you can apply for the permanent visa along with the temporary visa. Once you get the temporary visa, you are immediately given the permanent visa. The application fee and process are only one for both visas. That means you have to pay once for both temporary visa and permanent visa, they are granted one after another.
The Procedure and Cost
The process for the visa is simple. If you are eligible to get the visa, you can apply for it. Submit the application along with the relevant documents. The department will check your details and if cleared, will grant you the temporary visa. If your relationship continues for more than two years, you can supply the additional documents regarding it. The officials will validate that and then you will be granted the permanent visa i.e. visa 801. On temporary visa, you can stay until a decision is made on your permanent visa. While on the permanent visa you can stay permanently. According to the department, the cost of partner visa is around AUD 7000.
How to Apply for the Partner Visa?
If you want to apply for the partner visa, you must contact the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for it. They will tell you how to submit the visa application. Many times it happens that the person applying for a visa may face some problems or may do something against the procedure. These types of mistakes reduce the chances of getting the visa. The best option in such a case is to take the help of a lawyer who is expert in immigration law. Immigration Lawyers Adelaide has lawyers that deal with such matters.
They can guide you in applying for the visa and you can be sure of correct paperwork which you might have found very difficult to manage. For any consultation and guidance on partner visa, contact Best Immigration Agent in Perth.