Visitor Visa 600 Document Checklist

Australia Visitor Visa 600 Document Checklist For 2024

Are you planning on visiting Australia to explore the diverse landscape? If yes, then you will need a visitor visa 600 to get to this unique nation.  

It is no secret that you need a visa to stay in any country in the world as a foreigner, and Australia is no exception. This particular visa allows you to stay in the country to visit friends and family, for business purposes, or for medical issues. 

This visa allows you to stay for three, six, or twelve months. You must meet all the relevant conditions and ensure proper compliance to get things done. Thankfully, this useful visa does not come with very stringent criteria. All you need to do is carry the right documents and follow the right procedures. So, let’s understand these procedures and what documents you might need. 

Different Types of Visitor Visas for Australia

Your reason for visiting Australia might differ from that of the next person. Thankfully, the subclass 600 visa is here to accommodate the diverse requirements of the applicant. Nonetheless, here are some of the broad categories you can consider for this purpose:

Family Visitor Visa 

If you have family members living in Australia, then things can be quite easy for you. These family members must be permanent residents or Australian citizens.

Once you get the visa, you can stay in the country for the next 12 months, and it will not be less than that. You can even use this visa category to study in Australia for at least three months. The condition here is that attending the training session should be the sole purpose of your visit to the country.  

Business Visitor Visa  

Business professionals who need to visit Australia for the next three months must apply for a visa in this category. The good news is that you need not be in the country while applying for this visa; you can do the same from outside the country. 

Authorities also have a condition that requires you to stay outside Australia when you get the approval for the visa. You also get the flexibility to choose a single or multiple entry option with this visa category.  

Tourism Visitor Visa 

This visa category allows you to stay in the country as a tourist. You can apply for it if you go there for a holiday, a cruise trip, or visiting friends or family. 

One good thing about this visa is that you can apply for it either while staying in or out of the country. However, this is possible only as long as you meet other conditions.      

Eligibility for Visitor Visa 600

In simple terms, a proper tourist visa 600 requires you to demonstrate certain things for authorities to approve your stay. Things that you need to clarify for these visas include:

  • Your identity 
  • Your genuine intent to stay in the country for a temporary period
  • Your ability to support yourself while you stay in the island nation.    

Read More:- What You Need to Know About Australia Visitor Visa Subclass 600

Australia Visitor Visa  Document Checklist

The visitor visa subclass 600 checklist requires you to provide authorities with evidence in the form of documents. So, let’s break down this matter and understand which documents you can use for different evidence-related purposes:     

1. Identity 

The first that you need to verify for these visitor visas is your identity. Thankfully, there are many documents that you can use for this, making it a rather easy thing to deal with. The documents you can use for verifying your identity include:     

  • Name change documentation 
  • Passport
  • National ID card 
  • Other relevant identity documents from proper authorities

2. Evidence of Financial Stability 

Other than identity, the Australian authorities also need to verify if you have the financial position to stay in the country. For this, you can provide them with the following documents:

  • Pay slips 
  • Tax records
  • Bank statements
  • Share portfolio   

3. Evidence of Ties to Home Country 

While Australians are here to welcome you, they still need to verify your ties with the home country. This is not very unusual, and here are some of the common documents you can use for this purpose: 

  • Marriage certificate as long as your spouse is staying overseas
  • Business ownership documents
  • Birth certificate if your children are staying overseas
  • Documents verifying your education enrollment 
  • Employment contract   
  • Evidence of home ownership or lease agreements 
  • Evidence of the previous visa grants verifying you are a compliant traveller  

4. Planned Trip to Australia 

Even if you have all the above-mentioned documents in place, you will still need some more evidence to verify that you are on a planned trip. While this might sound like something complicated, it is quite easy as long as you have the following documents:

  • Invitation letter from your business or personal contact in Australian 
  • A draft of your itinerary
  • Flight tickets 
  • Accommodation documents  

While these are most of the documents you might need for a visitor visa 600, there might be certain variants. These varied document requirements generally depend on the type of visa you apply for. For instance, the business visa documentation might differ from that of a tourist or family visa. So, it falls onto your shoulders to analyse your situation and apply for the visa that best represents your intent and purpose for visiting Australia.       

Read More:- What Are the Reasons for Australian Tourist Visas Refused or Rejected in 2024


Getting a visitor visa 600 to go to Australia is not as challenging as many might want you to believe. All you need to do is follow the right process and provide the authorities with the right documents. As long as you provide clear and concise information in your application, your chances of getting a visa will increase significantly.     

It is also better if you submit your application in advance since you never know if something might be wrong. This way, you will have the time to verify if everything is up to the mark and plan your stay in Australia accordingly. In some instances, you can even consider leveraging the expertise of an immigration agent to help you out on this front.